Name : Tanmay NarangBranch : CSE (Class of 2014)

Cgpa : 7.2

Placed at : KPMG

Job Profile : Business Analyst

I am writing this article not only to give all of you an idea how to get into KPMG specifically but how to get into your desired company.  The biggest challenge in the last semester is not to get into a company but to get selected in the ‘right company’.

First of all decide what exactly is the  dream company for you , if you want to spend your life in a core company or a consultancy or a startup. Don’t be in a hurry to get a job in a dream company and then lose chances to sit in better companies that would be coming later in the semester. Don’t be bothered by the peer pressure and don’t be in a hurry to get a ‘Dream Company’ that you do not desire to get into. For example, KPMG came in November and the placement session began from August and there were a number of companies before KPMG and majority had  bonds,less package etc.. So you need to be patient and have the courage to absorb the peer pressure so that you get into you ‘DREAM COMPANY’.  Secondly, if you get a chance to sit in companies sit in every company even if you don’t want to go into that company. Each company’s selection process is unique and grooms you to face any type of question that you would be facing in your future.  This selection process is a learning itself.

Now about KPMG.KPMG was among the last companies to visit our campus.It had a unique process of filtering out the students in the first round.They made us fill our 10th ,12th marks as well as CGPA and then selected us for the GD round. The process which with they selected us for the GD round is still a mystery , they did not filter on the basis of CGPA or 10th,12th marks.But thankfully,I got selected for the GD round.They divided the students into 3 groups mainly on the basis of branch i.e CSE,ECE AND Electrical.

The topic for our batch was who should be the next PM Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi. I know whom would you favour that was the same case in that discussion. Everybody favoured Modi and there was no second face to the discussion(as nobody supported Rahul Gandhi).So,the main criteria they used to select was the points spoken by an individual,language and confidence.So,out of 13(approx.) they selected 3 from one batch.

Next came the interview round.There were two interviews,first interview tested our aptitude,asked questions from our resume and 2 to 3 technical questions. I being from computer background was asked question from C and Software ,Designs &Analysis.

Next came the HR interview.I believe that my love for travelling impressed them.I believe that they are highly impressed by the people who love to travel.The interview was to test how you deal with negatives in life like they were asking if “You are not selected in this company what would you do”  ,”Why is your cg less, less marks in  10th etc etc.”

So you need to be prepared for this kind of questions and the most important thing is to keep learning,have confidence,listen to everybody but do what your heart says.

Best of Luck

Tanmay Narang

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