Izhaar 2K14

“Izhaar”…with origins as Urdu, means to confess and accept. And here in, Thapar is our inter year cultural fest, giving us a chance to emote through any and every possible form of art and expression. Be it by the word of mouth, in “Nukkad Nataks”, skits and twisted movies or by shaking a leg in dance events or by singing and acting to our heart’s satisfaction in multilingual solos and mimicry events.

It is always said that more than the destination the journey matters. In this fest, more than the actual staged event, the preparation played its role. With all the participants pulling up their socks and tightening their belts, the whole of COS Complex was flooded with actors, dancers, artists and mentors, rehearsing for their respective events. From stark daylight to late midnight, jam packed schedules, aching bodies and exhausted minds, but in spite of the enervation, the spirit of Thapar seemed to pump life in the participants. Students could be often spotted rejoicing at the usual haunts- our very own Juju, Nescafe and Bean n’ Bun. As the event glided closer, with pounding hearts and tightening stomachs, anxiety was sky rocketing.

Like every other much celebrated event, Izhaar too started with a bang. That is a rocking orientation ceremony, attended by an august audience and widespread publicity which was initiated on February 15. The event showcased a heavy participation from the fresher, sophomore, junior and the post grad students who were allotted the titles of wizards, zombies, vampires and pirates respectively. A plethora of events was organized like bhangra, gidda, folk dance, histrionics, rapwars, play etc which were scheduled wisely by the organizing committee over the course of the fest. The teams were proudly led by their respective HRs. The main event lasted for about five days and every team strived to excel just a little more every next day. The fourth year students played the part of the mentors and also engaged in entertaining the audience with their beautiful fillers.

The judges and the jury did their bit of hard work by choosing the best deserving in such a cut throat competition. The score were totaled every day and a striking contrast was observed in the initial and the final results. The third year which wasn’t doing too well in the beginning had the ball in their court in the end bagging the first position and the PG which started off with flying colors plummeted straight down to the fourth platform and the first year and second year came second and third respectively. The event came to an end on February 27, with the very lovely bhangra of our very  own Punjab and the declaration of the winners of the titles of Mr. and Ms. Izhaar 2k14. This was followed by the prize distribution and ultimately Dr. Seema Bawa called it a day and sealed the event.

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